DIVUS initiated the project "DIVUS meets Art" in collaboration with the South Tyrolean nature photographer Georg Kantioler to give you an insight into our beautiful surroundings. Art meets technology. Our technical and aesthetic high quality products - which combine mainly glass and metal to create a unique whole - are compared here with the many facets of nature. Inspired by the beauty of nature, we develop products to provide everyday comfort. The South Tyrolean nature photographer Georg Kantioler shows how aesthetic and harmonious photos can be. He photographs our homeland South Tyrol – nestled amidst the Alps in northern Italy - and his work highlights the contrasts between soft and hard, shape and color. We want to bring some calm into the hectic world of technology. Enjoy these stunning photographs. Take pleasure in the perfection of harmony and serenity. Let your mind wander for a brief moment and enjoy these beautiful pictures! The executive board
Actually water is quite soft, adaptable and plastic. The impression is deceptive. Over time, water can also be quite stubborn. With time hard rocks will be polished and shaped by the flowing water.
The autumn fog has spread over the Dolomite valleys during the night. Only the mountains stand out from the dense blanket of fog, which has divided them into two. Above the fog, the sun’s first rays are already warming the air, while in the valley it is still autumnal, cool, gray and gloomy.
«Blue Hour» is the name of the time before the sun actually rises. Some enthusiasts indeed climb to the top of mountains to watch the sun rise. But only few people know that the hour before is the best time to experience very special conditions of light in nature.
Water appears in different states: mostly flowing and soft, but also still and frozen in winter. It has to be extremely cold for the water in the riverbed to freeze to ice. If you then look more closely, you can see the fascinating shapes and colors.
Only if you have a trained eye will you notice the true colors in water. Whether blue from the sky or the last evening light from the nearby rock wall, all colors are reflected in the water. They give water that is per se colorless its colour.
Water reflects everything around it, like a mirror. Even a slight breeze brings movement to the water’s surface and the mirror images are distorted by the ripples. No image editing software can be more creative.
Mostly, they just stand there quietly alone bundled to a ball and placed on a stalk, waiting for the wind to blow them away to where they can grow anew from the ground. They are the seeds of the meadow salsify, an unassuming and undemanding flower.
Wide and flat is how we imagine a snowy landscape. A snow-covered upland moor looks quite different – and creates gently rolling hills of snow. A thick layer of snow covers almost everything. Only a few dried stalks manage to withstand the load of fresh snow.
When the days get shorter and the shadows lengthen, then fall is on its way. The trees no longer provide their leaves with water and so they begin to change color. Slowly they die off. Finally, they fall to the ground and sometimes they form a base for hundreds of small pearl- like droplets.
Georg Kantioler
I find a quiet, uncluttered images particularly attractive. Therefore, I like to work with an open aperture and / or longer exposure times. I use no artificial lighting.
I am becoming more and more aware that, when taking pictures, it is extremely important to stay calm and completely focussed. Good pictures are not simply taken, they are worked out. The aim is to concentrate on the chosen scene, even if it is simple and to exploit it to the full. I hardly ever move outside my homeland South Tyrol and I am aware that I use only a fraction of the possibilities here. Not because it is South Tyrol. No, because our surrounding area usually provides more than initially expected. Nowhere else can I become more attuned with time and place and the ever-changing conditions than where I live. However, it requires continual spiritual development to identify new views in familiar surroundings.
Georg Kantioler has won many international nature photography competitions:
«Wildlife Photographer of the Year», «European Wildlife Photographer of the Year», «Highlights», «Asferico», «Oasis». In addition, he was a member of the jury for the «European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2010» competition. Several of his paintings have been purchased by «Canon»for promotional purposes